Gallery of my project and products - Leonardo Criolani

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Customer / Collaborations / Concept design

"A collection of my projects, my ideas, my collaborations"

A gallery of my projects, collaborations and ideas. All of my products and ideas are created and developed in our company in Italy.
"Curiosity. This is the word that represent the almost complete sense of my life. The curiosity that pushes me every day, at every moment, almost obsessively to trying to understand, to know, to look at the world around us with new eyes. It is curiosity that makes me take new way, a search for new emotions, a dream of new roads, roads that are not always right, not always easy. Often curiosity leads me into situations I don't know where to make mistakes, it can happen, you can suffer, but in the end you really feel alive.
Curiosity makes me feel alive."
Leonardo Criolani  © 2025 -Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved
Leonardo Criolani are distribuited by MontefioreDesign srl ® - Italy
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